Atlas Stone Return Ramp

The Atlas Stone Return Ramp is designed to cushion a stone that is dropped from over a bar or yoke and slowly return the stone to its original position. Historically this exercise has been done in several movements individually or with a training partner that would guide the stone down and roll it back to you. The idea was originally based on a design by world renowned gym owner Alan Thrall who we worked in conjunction with to bring you what you see here. 

Made entirely in the U.S.A. just outside of St. Louis, MO at the same factory that brought you the AbMat. 


• Made in the USA
• Dimensions: 35" x 35" x 8" 
• Weight: Approximately 30 Lbs. 
• Works with all stone weights up to 350 Lbs.

Inventor: Alan Thrall, AbMat Team

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